The Essex County
How to Become A Poll Worker
New Jersey’s counties, in partnership with the Department of State, Division of Elections, is actively seeking residents to serve as poll workers. You may work in any county in the state, not just the one in which you are registered to vote.
Here are the answers to questions about becoming a poll worker.
1. Why Should I Apply?
Your community needs you! By staffing a polling location, you will:
- Earn $21.44 per hour on in-person early voting days and $300 on Election Day.
- See our great democracy in action, firsthand, and enjoy the feeling that comes with contributing to your local community, your state and your country.
2. Who Can Apply?
You can apply to serve as a poll worker in New Jersey if you:
- Are a United States citizen and a resident of New Jersey
- Find you county’s locations at Vote.NJ.Gov
3. Will I be trained?
Yes, the training class is mandatory
4. What are the requirements?
- Must be 18 years of age
- Must be able to work a full day 5:15 am – 8:30 pm
- Must be a registered voter
5. Where can I get more information?
Contact the Essex County Board of Elections at 862.234.4321 or 862.234.4464 or you can visit our offices at:
Dr. Martin Luther King , Jr. Justice Building
495 Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr, Blvd #145
Newark, NJ 07102
Dr. Martin Luther King , Jr. Justice Building
495 Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr, Blvd #145
Newark, NJ 07102
Click the blue box below to obtain an application
If you are interested, please download the appropriate application and email to essexelections@clerk.essexcountynj.org
Become an Essex County Poll Worker