Essex County Seal

Boardworker Information

To become an Essex County Boardworker you must complete an application and attend training.

Membership (19:6-2)
A person is qualified to apply for appointment who:

  • is a legal voter of Essex County
  • is not a candidate for political office
  • immediate family member is not a candidate
  • attends a training session before serving and then once every two years
  • able to read and write and has reasonable knowledge of the duties of an election officer

Number of Election Board Members (19:6-1,3)

  • district board consists of four members
  • districts over 900 registered voters where an electronic voting system is used shall have six members
  • members should be equally apportioned between the two political parties except if the county board is unable to fill all of the positions, then an unaffiliated person may be appointed.
  • In districts where over 10% of registered voters are Spanish-speaking, two additional members who shall be of Hispanic origin and fluent in Spanish shall be appointed

Appointment to Board

The county board shall, on or before April 1, appoint the members of the district boards. Chairpersons of the county committee of each political party are contacted prior to this date for recommendations.

Removal from Office (19:6-4,5)

Only a judge of the Superior Court or the county board has the power to remove a member of a district board with or without cause.

Term of Office (19:6-8)

The terms of office of the members of the district boards shall be 1 year and shall begin on April 25 of each year.

Compensation for District Board Members

Compensation is $200 (except school elections) plus $12.50 for picking up election material and $12.50 for returning election material. In case the board worker failed to attend a train program as required in 19:50-1, compensation shall be $50.00

Training of Election Board Members (19:50-1)

The Essex County Board of Elections requires that new members of a district board attend a training class. All district board members shall be required to attend training sessions for each election at least once every two years.

Oath of Office (19:6-11)

Each member of the district board shall take an oath prior to serving that they will impartially discharge their duties as a district board member.